Yellow House Salon #3, The Bird


Western Tanager by Joe Sweeney

Birds are big in my house.  My partner in life,  Joe Sweeney, is a master birder and hosts a  blog, Short and Tweet Bird Reports, featuring a short story and a wonderful photo each week. He spends a great deal of time birding, photographing birds, reading about birds, and sometimes leading bird walks for the Seattle Audubon.

A hummingbird feeder hangs on a window near my piano in the studio, the resident hummingbird’s name is Presto.  Presto visits multiple times daily. My students and I  enjoy watching her comings and goings.

This brings me to this week’s recording, The Bird from American Ballads by Roy Harris.  The Bird is in the early stages of practice (Remember the intention of this blog is to show my work.). While working this piece,  I imagine a colorful, elusive bird flitting from one tree to another, never landing in one place long enough to get a good look.

Here is The Bird by Roy Harris, recorded today.